Saturday, April 11, 2009

Chamber Music at Noon

I attended a free concert at Emory University Friday and thoroughly enjoyed it. The artist was Karen Bentley and she was supposed to play a viola concerto according to the write up in the newspaper. She actually played solo violin, violin and piano and a cello duet. Yes, you read that right - she played violin AND piano herself. It was an amazing jazzy, blues piece. She moved the piano bench to the left end of the keyboard, sat on the edge and secured her violin with her chin. Then proceeded to play left hand on the piano, open strings on the violin interspersed with long, lingering chords (piano peddles) followed by several measure of violin. At one point she put the violin in her lap and played pizz with her left hand and piano with her right hand. How interesting was that? Anyway, I just love that I live in Midtown and can finally take advantage of free stuff in the city.

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