Monday, May 25, 2009

LTF and bye-bye stickers

Well now that I've put myself out there and risked "looking the fool" (LTF) with the flute quartet, I must move forward with my new love, Norman. I took the stickers off the fingerboard today....never to return. That is a huge step for me, I guess, since it's taken 5 and a half years to do it. I gave up the full finger board tapes 3 years ago, but have not been confident enough to let go of the mini dots I've used as landmarks for finger placement. You really have to look to see them - Cooper was my stand partner for 8 months before he noticed them. The few times I've attempted to give them up have not lasted. I get to a rehearsal, can't "find" my notes and I panic. There has always been a performance "coming up" and I've used that as an excuse to put them back on. Talk about insecurities!

Today after I removed them, I spent nearly an hour playing scales and phrases slowly with the electronic tuner. I was amazed at how off my intonation was at times. And yes, there were times I could not find my home base, middle C. It rings the clearest when in tune on a string instrument and is my most consistently in tune note. However, after an hour or so, I was making improvements. I was forcing myself to really listen and was beginning to recognize if I was high or low on the first finger especially.

How many hours do I have to practice before July 19th? Oh panic! I do not want to LTF!

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